Fondren Fitness: Is open 24 hours a days


Fondren Fitness is open 24 hours a Days to strengthen growing neighborhoods

Fondren Fitness is the Jackson’s first full-service, standalone gym. It features a sea of stair climbers, ellipticals, and treadmills.

The gym covers 12,000 square feet and includes weight machines, free weights, and personal training.

This building, the former home to Rainbow Co-op which Its Fashion has since moved to Northpark mall is being used as a fitness center and as a way to build community.

Michael Boerner, co-owner of Wier, Boerner, and Allin Architecture, said, “It’s a gateway to Fondren via Lakeland Drive,”

“Bringing people into Fondren fitness, getting them to eat and exercise here, it gives them pride in the community.”

Fondren Fitness is also owned by Jamie Wier, John Allin from WBA, and Fondren Public owner Sean Cupit.

There are 12 instructors at the gym who can teach classes that range from kickboxing and yoga to high-intensity interval or high-intensity training.

How it all began: Investors are looking to transform Rainbow Co-Op into a modern, full-service gym.

Boerner stated that “we have a wide variety of members from local businessmen to students — doctors, nurses and even students in our 20s.”

Taylor Ferris, second-year medical student, stated that having 24/7 access was a big plus.

Ferris stated that the time is appealing to them because they can leave at midnight or noon and go to the gym.

Terry Sullivan, a fitness guru and general manager of the gym, appreciates the communal setting.

Fondren Fitness is a partner with Mama Nature’s Juice Bar. They lease a space at the gym.

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Cupit, who owns the nearby Fondren Public — a craft brewery bar — sees a lot Fondren Fitness traffic to his business.

Sullivan stated, “We want other Businesses to be supported.”

In order to make the area safer at night, the owners made improvements to the parking lot.

  • Boerner stated, “These installations have made an important difference.”
  • Fondren on Lakeland’s first thing to notice is a brand-new parking lot, new lights, and renovated Fondren Fit and Sherwin Williams buildings.
  • “It’s great to see money invested in the community.”
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  • Correction: To correct Michael Boerner’s name, this story has been updated since its first publication. In the original story, his first name was incorrect.