Health for Senior Citizens – Making Lifestyle Changes


Several research projects, undertaken on centenarians, have conclusively proved that while genetic disposition played its own part, making changes in the lifestyle contributed significantly to their achievement in leading a long a fruitful life.

During the first half of life, you were busy pursuing your career and family objectives and you may not have paid enough thought about making any lifestyle changes. This might have resulted in wear and tear, which has now started becoming obvious. You might have so far managed with stop-gap symptomatic treatments whenever some ailments appeared and postponed making lifestyle changes. Now that you have entered the second half of life, you may be feeling the need to take control of your body by making some changes in your lifestyle. It has been confirmed again and again that making slow and steady lifestyle changes can prolong your healthy life. Making lifestyle changes can significantly reduce chances of catching chronic illness.

You can start the journey towards having a perfectly healthy body by slowly making some differences in your lifestyle. The (not so) secret formula for having a healthy life to reach 100 consists only three ingredients:

Regular exercises

Most important aspect of making a change in your lifestyle to enjoy life after 50, would be to incorporate regular exercises into your daily regime. Start your changes by earmarking half an hour in a day for exercises. If you had been having a long sedentary life so far, begin your change leisurely with a relaxed slow walk. Do not try to tax your body anything more than this despite all those advises for a minimum of half-an-hour brisk walk, lest your body would refuse to budge next day! Make the slow walk enjoyable preferably in a park or even your backyard. Do not try to increase the pace. After one or two months, you will find that your pace has increased and the desired lifestyle changes are slowly happening. Once the walking becomes a routine, you can consider increasing the time and add further exercises, without annoying your body! Keep this up and you would be able to enjoy life after 50 or even after 100!

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Eating Right

Please do not start your changes by starving! Making changes in food habits need not be so harsh and painful! Since you have been reading a lot about food, the only thing you have to do is to watch what you are eating. Start your lifestyle changes in food by cutting down your intake very slowly. Advise your body in a friendly way not to eat the extra scoop of ice cream! Do not skip food, instead you can decrease your appetite by eating some raw vegetable salad or fruits in between meals. When you see oily food, remember about the alarming things you have read about cholesterol!

Slow adjustments in food habits tend to become more permanent than sudden, spirited headlong plunge into hunger and thus giving punishment to your body. Only slow and steady wins this race too!

Health checkup: Prevention and timely cure of ailments

Regular medical checkups are also part of beneficial lifestyle adjustments to sustain robust health for senior citizens. Every medical and diagnostic center worth its name offer different types of medical checkups to suit individual taste and pocket. Many of these medical checkups have the ability to detect diseases at their nascent stage and will thus help you to avoid huge medical bills at a later stage. Many of these medical checkups offer free consultations with specialist doctors, who can guide you to make lifestyle changes to suit your individual lifestyle.