This article will provide all the information you need to add Dumbell Man Makers to your training program.

This article will contain a video, an image and a step-by-step written description of how to complete this manmaker exercise.

The difficulty level and the equipment required to complete it. This exercise works different muscle groups.

It is worth adding to your training program. You can also use different cues for training when you’re performing it.

This lift has a complex movement pattern that Fondren Fitness consists of five different movements linked together into one movement. The burpee, renegade rows, push-ups, squat, and overhead press are all common manmaker exercise.

Dumbbell Man Maker Exercise: How to Guide?

Step by Step Instruction

  • Step 1: Take one dumbbell and hold it in each hand. Stand straight up with your palms towards your body.
  • Step 2: With your arms straight, bend down and place the dumbbells onto the floor. Step 2: Kick your feet behind you so that your body is in a push-up position.
  • Step 3: Bend your elbows at the elbows and lower yourself towards the ground. Your chest should be about an inch below the ground. Then, extend your arms backwards and you will find yourself in a push-up position.
  • Step 4: Now raise your right hand from the ground and bring it towards your chest. Hold this position for about one to two seconds. Now, lower your right hand to the floor.
  • Step 5: Perform a push-up. Now, raise your left hand from the ground and bring it towards your chest. Hold this position for one- to two seconds. Now, lower your left hand to the floor.
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Difficulty Level

Because it involves a complex movement, the Dumbbell manmaker exercise Exercise is rated as an advanced difficulty level. This lift requires intermediate fitness.

Equipment Required

You will need to have a pair dumbbells for this lift and a large area that you can do a plank on.

Muscles at Work

This exercise almost feels like a full-body workout. You will use a lot of muscles when you do this lift.